Uhhhhhhh I write stuff (the website) Website

(Most prominent) Characters I Write For.

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Writer Info

  • Writer is 20+ (of age). Male. Most people call my Jay as a nickname out of character.

  • Still new to RP and Writing in general, but I will do my best.

  • I work 40 hours a week and go to college full time. I’m not always free.

  • I will most likely tend to be SFW. NSFW will be very sparse and only with select few with chem.

  • I do not DM RP. Just as a preference.

Ships. They Sailin.

  • I will tend to be single ship per Character.

  • Absolutely needs timeline chem. Unless given permission.

  • My ships tend to be fluff limited, DM lewd is possible but I prefer not to.

  • No blatant lewd/porn on the timeline. Please.


  • Melt does all types of RP. Crack, Serious, Fights, semi lewd, plot, you name it.

  • IMPORTANT: Melt is 100% Canon Divergent. Her Backstory is during the events of CCC EoR, Meltryllis states that she wishes to “Take over the Moon Cell and rule SeRaPh in BB’s place.” My Melt does this. She deletes BB, and becomes the ruling Moon Cancer AI, and defeats Beast III/R that way. This creates a Pseudo Lostbelt out of the Singularity, a timeline fracture, with Melt as the Ruler. The reason for Melt being in this, our timeline, is to ensure Chaldea never finds her Lostbelt, as they would have to erase it. She acts like her Alter Ego counterpart but in truth has access to the Moon Cell and is classed as Moon Cancer.

  • While Melt is the biggest sadist around, I will tend to keep that reined in as it makes others uncomfortable. During fight RPs this will inevitably come out, as it’s crucial to her character, but otherwise, the most I will allude to is a comment here or there, very lightly.

  • Meltryllis is bisexual.

  • To her partner, she is under the surface very vulnerable and self conscious about herself and her past. In ships she will often mention how flawed she is with loving someone. Her biggest issues is that every time she gets close to someone she hurts them. This is why she is always cold to everyone. Persevere and you might end up seeing a Melt you never expected to know. Warning though, she cries often, and has breakdowns often. She’s very possessive of those she is close to, not in a Yandere way, but clingy, overbearing at times.

  • Melt is 100% Tsundere. And very delicate emotionally. (Check out my Headcanon thread. Anything I could say about her here will be there.)

  • Any pronouns.

  • Bisexual, no lean.


  • Ereshu is definitely fluff central. Very sweet and caring. Occasionally shitposts. But she can and will do serious RP. Plots, the like.

  • There are a few Headcanons about her but nothing that makes her divergent from what Fgo tells us.

  • Eresh dreams to wander the world of the living. She, as Ishtar says, is an airhead about practically everything on the surface. Somewhat.

  • Eresh is very kind, and will often treat an enemy as a friend or at least be friendly with everyone, before actually terrifying like she is capable of.

  • Ships with Chem, bisexual, Male Lean.

  • She/Her


  • Miss Skadi...Queen Skadi. Skadi-sama.

  • She/Her pronouns.

  • Skadi after the events of Lostbelt 2. She has memories of events there but they feel as though they were thousands of years ago. She has accepted the turnout and her failures.

  • Ships with chem, prefers Kings/Queens, Gods. Female Lean.

  • As benevolent as gods come. Always calm and collected. She does like to tease others occasionally, but she doesn’t mean to be rude or condescending. As she says, “I have humble origins.”

Tamamo Vitch

  • Welcome to cynical central. Tamamo Vitch is exactly what you would expect. Tamamo no Mae without the housewife kink. She is at best over emotional and at worst an emotionless nihilist. Dislikes dealing with humans as they betrayed her in the past.

  • This specifically is a portrayal of The ASSASSIN Tamamo Vitch, of the Tamamo Nine. Koyanskaya is something else, don’t treat her like that villain, treat her as her own villain.

  • Most of what I do here is all original, as she isn’t actually implemented in the story or game. Her stats are all ??? as she refuses compact and is generally more of a background work character. Prefers to be sly and quiet about her “Secretary“ work~

  • She/Her.

  • Ships with chem.

  • Bisexual. No lean.


  • The Eldest Valkyrie, Daughter of Odin. I like to write Bryn as recovering from the events of her legends, she focuses more of her Big Sister energy, and her kindness. Not suppressed Yandere.

  • Bisexual, no lean.

  • Sigurd welcome but not advised.

  • She/her.

Majin Okita

  • Majin-san is the Gluttonous Universe-Breaker. She’s very out of touch with others and loves being close to you. She’s always sleepy, and is generally an airhead. Definitely just a fluff machine. She does not understand personal space.

  • Nobusexual. Nobu Lean.

  • She/Her.